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Alcatel-Lucent 2014 Bargaining Report #16

Bargaining Report #16

Alcatel-Lucent Bargaining

A few weeks ago we sent out the following list of the Company’s retrogressive demands:

We wanted to give you an update on which ones have been resolved and which haven’t.

Here’s the list:

  1. Reduce the time frame for the Union to file grievances;
  2. Reduce Local assignment pay, increase the “free zone” from 10 to 25 miles. Increase the maximum distance from the computation point and job location to 75 miles;
  3. Remove allowances for change of tour and change of start time;
  4. Shorten the carry over vacation time frame;
  5. Reduce Union Representation protection from transfer;
  6. Reduce excused unpaid allowances for Union business;
  7. Eliminate Special City allowances;
  8. Reduce per diem and lodging allowances;
  9. Reduce lead installer/trainer pay.  Their current proposal is to pay everyone $7.00 no matter how many they “lead.” This is an increase for some and a decrease for those who are responsible for 4 or more;
  10. Remove allowances for ATM fees;
  11. Eliminate the national seniority for layoffs over 10 years;
  12. Reduce termination pay (layoff allowances). The company now only wants to change it for new hires;
  13. Eliminate the no-layoff memorandum;
  14. Double the length of the wage tables (i.e., for ACSTs from 15 6-month steps to 15 one-year steps).

We are currently meeting in sub-committees on benefits and their plans to reduce the workforce. They are still pushing to Permanently Transfer people from areas they wish to vacate with NO Permanent Transfer compensation.

Keep fighting. Keep mobilizing.

Your bargaining team,


Laura Unger

Martha Flagge, Staff Representative

Mike Klein, Local 4050/4090

Rick Mulledy, Local 4390