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Building Our Movement

Rallying Against Attacks on Workers' Rights


CWAers and allies rally at the Capitol, then go inside to lobby their representatives to oppose two anti-worker bill.

Below: Some 8,000 union activists and allies from across Missouri rally outside the state Capitol..


About 8,000 Missouri union members rallied at the state Capitol on Wednesday to protest two anti-worker bills – HB1617 (paycheck deception) and HB1770 (right to work for less) – moving through the legislature.

CWA activists from CWA Locals 6300, 6301, 6312, 6314, 6355, 6360, 6450 and IUE-CWA Local 86116 joined the demonstration and lobbied lawmakers inside the Capitol.

While the legislation is a top priority for House Republican leadership, there's bipartisan opposition to both bills.

"Paycheck deception" is a tactic that extremists in a number of states are pursuing to shut down workers' participation and voice in the political process. The intent is obvious, because the proposed laws only apply to workers and their unions, not to CEOs or corporations or any other organizations. In Missouri, lawmakers like House Speaker Tim Jones say paycheck deception is "another way to skin the cat" and get to the "ultimate goal of right to work," shutting down workers' rights altogether.

Governor Jay Dixon (D) told the crowd that the attack on workers' rights "is wrong and would move our state backward. If they go around me, I will stand and fight and we will win."


Supporting the Needy


Members of CWA 6355 and Jobs with Justice activists hold a public forum to spotlight the damage that cuts in critical social services have done to Missouri residents.

Last week, Jobs with Justice and CWA Local 6355 held a public meeting to focus attention on how staff cuts, reorganization of a state office and the implementation of kiosk-style "resource centers" have hurt Missouri's most-vulnerable citizens. For many, food stamps, Medicaid assistance, day-care subsidies and other support are now out of reach.

Read more at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.


Fighting For Better Banks

Check out the action

CWA, UNI Global Union Finance and the Committee for Better Banks held a global day of action that culminated with a global protest in front of Citibank's NYC headquarters on Wall Street.

U.S. bank workers earn less than their global counterparts in Brazil and other countries. In fact, bank workers in developing countries – like Tanzania, Lebanon, the Philippines and Malaysia – have far greater rights because they have a voice in the workplace through their unions.