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CWA: Health Care Reform That Works for Everyone

Contact: Candice Johnson, CWA Communications, and 202-434-1168

Following is a statement by CWA President Larry Cohen on improvements made to the health care reform bill:

Washington, D.C. -- From the start, the Communications Workers of America and a united labor movement have been making the case that the excise tax on workers' health care was the wrong way to finance health care reform. We still believe that it's wrong for people covered by  "Chevy" health plans to be the target of economists who thought they were going after "Cadillac" coverage. 

But we also believe that our nation needs health care reform now. 

That's why we pressed hard for changes and worked long hours with the Obama administration and House and Senate leaders to ease the negative impact of the excise tax on average Americans. And in the end, in large part because of the labor movement, all middle class and working families will see relief from the excise tax.

We worked hard to make certain that all middle income and working Americans are better protected, in these ways and more:

  • Beginning in 2013, a higher threshold at which plans are taxed, $24,000 for families and $8,900 for single coverage, affecting everyone.
  • A higher and more accurate tax threshold adjusted for age, sex and high-risk professions, affecting everyone in these categories. 
  • A phased-in exemption for dental and vision plan coverage from the cost of the plan, benefiting everyone.

State and local employees and workers covered by collective bargaining agreements are allowed a transition period so that legally binding agreements can be modified if necessary. For these groups, the tax goes into effect in 2018.

The work of a united labor movement has made a huge improvement in the proposed health care reform bill so that the health care of millions of American, both union members and those not in unions, will be protected.

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