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CWA Runs Ad Telling Politicians to Bring Good Jobs Home

CWA has a message for Democrats and Republicans: Bringing good jobs back home will aid the economic recovery.

The 30-second television spot began airing on Current TV this week during coverage of the Republican National Convention and will continue into the Democratic National Convention. In the ad, Lois Williams explains how CWA worked to bring her AT&T call center job back to Detroit.

"A few years ago I was laid off when thousands of call center jobs like mine were sent overseas," Williams says. "But my union, CWA, worked to bring my job back. And they did it. Customers are happier talking to American representatives. And when AT&T returned to Detroit, other big companies followed. Bringing good jobs back is the beginning of an economic recovery for Detroit and for America. I'm living proof."

A second ad features Amanda Hill, an AT&T customer assistant in Goldsboro, NC, who was hired 4 1/2 years ago when CWA brought back an entire call center from overseas. "When AT&T returned to Goldsboro, they literally gave thousands of people benefits and a path towards a real career," she says in the spot.

Watch both ads here.

CWA has been working with lawmakers in Congress to bring back tech support and call center jobs. Sen. Bob Casey (D-Penn.) recently introduced the Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act of 2012, which would make businesses that ship call center jobs overseas ineligible for federal grants or loans. It would also require companies to disclose when their calls are being transferred abroad and give consumers the right to talk to a U.S.-based operator.

Tell your senators to support Casey's bill by signing this petition.