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Election 2012: CWAers Around the Nation


New Jersey CWAers walk neighborhoods in Burlington County for Democratic candidates.


CWAers join the Sierra Club and a broad coalition of progressive groups to support Proposal 2 in Michigan.


Pennsylvania state coordinator Donnie Engleman with Vice President Biden.


Iowa state coordinator Molly Reagan meets Vice President Joe Biden during a surprise visit to campaign volunteers.


CWA members phone bank in Colorado.


AFA-CWA President Veda Shook leaflets an employee bus stop at Dulles Airport.


CWA District 4 vice President Linda Hinton leaflets with Local 4340 members in Cleveland.

Since Aug. 25, New Jersey CWA members have been traveling to Pennsylvania, joining door knocks and neighborhood walks to support President Obama. This past weekend was no exception, as two buses of CWAers left Newark on Saturday to show their support for the Obama-Biden ticket.

Also in New Jersey, a big group of CWAers met in Burlington County with members of Local 1036 supporting Democratic candidates who oppose the Republican-controlled Board of Freeholders plan to privatize a public nursing home. Local 1036 has put together more than 50 walk shifts every weekend since Aug. 25, all aimed at backing Democratic candidates who want to maintain the public nursing home and the jobs of more than 300 workers.

Yes on Michigan's Prop. 2

Michigan CWAers joined the Sierra Club, UFCW and a broad coalition of supporters to speak out in favor of Issue 2 this weekend in Grand Rapids.

A yes vote on the November ballot initiative would enshrine collective bargaining in the state's constitution, shielding workers from future legislative attacks on organized labor.

"Collective bargaining protects rights for all working families and gives you a voice to negotiate fair wages, benefits and safe working conditions," says President Bill Clinton in a robocall endorsement. "Voting yes on Proposal 2 also protects workers from corporate special interests that arbitrarily cut wages, benefits and pensions and ship jobs overseas."

AFA Activists Leaflet Dulles Airport

AFA-CWA Veda Shook and activists leafleted an employee bus stop at Dulles Airport, spotlighting what's at stake for flight attendants in the upcoming election.

New CWA AD in NY-46

CWA is up with a new cable ad in New York's 46th State Senate district, attacking GOP Assemblyman George Amedore for voting for a bill to give more tax breaks to corporations that ship jobs overseas.

"They started taking away our bonuses while they were still getting theirs," says a former T-Mobile employee in the spot.

"And that was their first level of cutting back. I had a good job and they just closed up and sent them to other countries. They'll never admit it was because of offshoring. They should not be getting tax breaks of any kind if they're sending jobs overseas."

CWA is supporting school board member Cecilia Tkaczyk, who will always put working families first, in her bid to replace Amedore.

And Check Out this Video

CWAers in Ohio and Vice President Linda Hinton leaflet Cleveland worksites.