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Media Unions Press Independent Investigation into Attacks on Journalists

Washington, D.C. -- Unions representing thousands of journalists in the United States are calling on Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to investigate several serious incidents that have resulted in death or injury to media employees covering the war in Iraq.

In a letter to Secretary Rumsfeld, the top officers of six labor organizations cited the attacks that killed media employees at the Palestine Hotel and at other sites in Baghdad, as well as other incidents in which reporters have been killed, beaten or otherwise injured, as a compelling indication of the need for an independent inquiry.

Linda Foley, president of The Newspaper Guild-Communications Workers and secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO Department for Professional Employees, said journalists worldwide found the growing number of incidents extremely disturbing.

The unions also called for a prompt meeting with Pentagon representatives to identify specific measures that could be taken to prevent such tragedies in the future and to ensure the continued safety of the U.S. and international journalists and media staff covering the war.

Signing the letter are Foley, for The Newspaper Guild-CWA; John Connolly, President, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists; John C. Clark, President, National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians; Jonathan Tasini, President, National Writers Union; Herb Sargent, President, Writers Guild of America East, and Paul Almeida, President, AFL-CIO Department for Professional Employees.

The text of the letter follows:

April 9, 2003

Donald H. Rumsfeld
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301-1000

Dear Mr. Secretary:

As leaders of unions representing thousands of U.S. journalists, including several hundred now situated in and around Iraq, we are gravely concerned about recent incidents that have resulted in the injury or death of media staff covering the war.

Journalists everywhere were horrified by reports of an attack on April 8th by U.S. forces on the Palestine Hotel--the unofficial headquarters of international press in Baghdad. As you are aware, two media representatives were killed in this incident.

Equally disturbing are reports that U.S. air attacks destroyed the offices of the independent Arab media Al Jazeera Television and Abu Dhabi Television resulting in the death of another journalist there.

These unfortunate occurrences come on the heels of two other questionable situations involving U.S. troops and journalists. During the first days of the war in Iraq, Terry Lloyd, a reporter for ITN, was killed by what may have been a "friendly fire" incident. The National Union of Journalists of Great Britain and Ireland has asked the UK Ministry of Defense to investigate that incident.

Also early in the conflict two Israeli journalists and a Portuguese television reporter allegedly were roughed up and then detained for 48 hours by U.S. troops. The journalists were not officially embedded with forces but were traveling alongside American convoys. We understand the Sindicato dos Jornalistas of Portugal has protested.

As you can imagine, reports like these can easily inflame anti-American sentiments in the foreign press. They also raise serious questions for us about the safety of our own members on the ground in Iraq.

Therefore, we respectfully request that you immediately convene an independent investigation into these incidents to determine what went wrong and the extent to which they may have been avoidable events. We also urgently request a meeting with Pentagon representatives to discuss how to prevent tragedies such as these from occurring in the future, including identifying specific measures necessary to ensure the safety of the hard working and courageous U.S. and international journalists and media staff who are covering this war.

With regard to these requests, we would ask that your response be directed to Linda K. Foley, President of The Newspaper Guild, 202-434-1261. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.

cc: Victoria Clarke, Assistant Defense Secretary for Public Affairs

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