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Mexico Day of Action Spotlights Attack on Workers' Rights



CWAers join the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement and others in protesting outside the Mexican consulate in Washington, DC.

Below: CWA President Larry Cohen stands up for the rights of Mexican workers.



CWA President Larry Cohen and local activists rallied in front of the Mexican consulate today as part of a week-long, worldwide protest against the pervasive attack on workers' rights in Mexico. The group delivered a letter to Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto calling on the government to help end the persecution of workers who want democratic bargaining rights.

More than 10,000 activists mobilized for workers' rights at embassies and consulates around the world during the Days of Action. The events spotlight the desire by Mexican workers to form democratic unions, particularly at Atento, where workers want to join the Mexican Telephone Workers Union (STRM) but have been blocked.

Changes in Mexican labor law have meant dire conditions for workers who want to form democratic unions, the letter said. "One of the best ways to guarantee inclusive economic growth is by guaranteeing the fundamental rights of all workers," it said, calling for the rights of all workers to be rigorously protected and enforced.

In today's global economy, bargaining rights matter, whether for U.S. workers, workers in Mexico or anywhere around the globe.