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Shelton to Ver.di: Together We Will Win

CWA President Chris Shelton travels to Germany next week to address the annual convention of ver.di, the world's largest service sector union.

ver.di represents 2 million workers in telecommunications, banking, communications, media, and many other sectors.

In a speech to tens of thousands of delegates, Shelton will thank ver.di members for their support of our T-Mobile campaign. ver.di members at Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile's German parent company, have been standing with their coworkers in the United States, supporting the fight by T-Mobile US workers to have a union voice. "We have your back," ver.di members have pledged.

Shelton will also meet with members of the German Parliament and union leaders from the International Trade Union Confederation and UNI Global Union.

Together, ver.di and CWA members have collected 45,000 signatures on a petition calling on the German government to hold Deutsche Telekom accountable. That petition will be brought up for consideration again by a committee of German legislators on Nov. 30, so there's still time to gather additional signatures to build our case.

Get more information here.

Mail the petition by Nov. 13, 2015, to this address:

Attn: Louise Novotny
501 Third Street NW
Washington, DC 20001