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NABET-CWA Guaranteed a Spot at Olympic Games

July 1, 1998
NABET-CWA has negotiated an unprecedented agreement with NBC to provide union-represented engineering personnel for the network's Olympic telecasts through the 2004 Summer Games in Athens, Greece.

CWA Board Proclaims 'Worker Bill of Rights'

July 1, 1998
When the founders of our nation took a good look at the Constitution, they found it needed a few adjustments to truly ensure "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The Bill of Rights guarantees much that we take for granted, including freedom of religion, the right to assemble, the right to p

Veteran CWA Staffer Jim Harper Passes Away

July 1, 1998
Ernest L. (Jim) Harper, who retired as an administrative assistant to the vice president of CWA District 3 in 1986, died of a massive heart attack in his sleep at the family home in Fort Pierce, Fla., on June 1. He was 70 years old.


July 1, 1998
Dear Editor:

ABC/Disney recently sent its NABET employees a note titled "Competitive Realities: Who's in Touch?" In it, Disney castigated its union-represented employees for failing to accept "provisions that reflect their employer's needs."