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Worker Power Update

2022 Midterm Election Update: Our Efforts Paid Off

Across the country, in advance of the critical midterm elections that concluded last week, CWA members engaged in an intensive, grassroots effort, talking to working families about issues that matter most to them and the importance of turning out to vote for candidates who put working people first. Results from key races continue to be announced and it is clear that our efforts paid off. The candidates we supported that had strong, clearly articulated plans to protect the rights of working people and address the economic hardships facing middle class voters won at the local, state, and federal level. Holding on to a pro-worker majority in the U.S. Senate was absolutely essential to advance critical pieces of our agenda, and we got it done.

There is still more work to be done. We have an opportunity to strengthen the pro-worker majority in the Senate by mobilizing to build support and re-elect Senator Raphael Warnock in his upcoming runoff election in Georgia. The election will be held on December 6. Early voting will begin on November 28 or earlier in some counties. The stakes of this election are incredibly high. It is crucial that we keep Raphael Warnock in the U.S. Senate. We will be sharing more information on how you can help secure this seat in the days and weeks to come.

Worker Power Election Collage
CWA members across the country worked tirelessly in the home stretch to deliver key election wins for pro-worker candidates.